Pet Trusts

What can a Pet Trust do for me and my pets?

A Pet Trust prepared by Wolfberg & Wolfberg, P.C. will designate the people who will care for your pet when you are no longer able to do so. The Pet Trust will also provide directions to assist the designated people with day-to-day care issues as well as life or death decisions for your pets. The Pet Trust will also give instructions for where money in the Pet Trust will go when the money is no longer needed for your pets.

Who will take care of my pets?

At Wolfberg & Wolfberg, P.C., we can help you set up a Pet Trust to ensure that your pets will be cared for as you yourself have cared for them. You will select the person who will best care for your pets in the event of your death or disability.

What types of things can I include in my Pet Trust?

You can choose the preferred veterinarian who will care for your pets. You can also select the brand of pet food and where your pets should be boarded if the care giver goes on vacation. It is completely up to you.

How do I help to make sure that my pets are cared for after I prepare a Pet Trust?

Once completed, your Pet Trust prepared by Wolfberg & Wolfberg, P.C., should be kept with all of your other important legal documents. We will provide you with a card to keep in your wallet to help guarantee that someone can begin to care for your pets as soon as is possible.

Contact us by e-mail or call us now at (800) 997-8348 for a free consultation.